

The only reason I wanted to review this movie or watch it in first place it’s because of Tom Hardy. Hardy saved the movie from a disaster and made a huge success of it. However, just by portraying Venom as the good guy while being know for a long time as the bad one, is a very enormous step for this film.

I’m going to talk about 2 parts: Technical and Nontechnical


  1. The technical:
    1. The acting is very (DUHH nothing new for Tom Hardy)
    2. The visual effects are somehow creative and appealing
    3. The shots are very correct and very suitable for 3D, it really makes you live the motion
  2. The nontechnical:
    1. You might be all asking if all is good and nice, then why did Tom Hardy prevent the disaster. Well, because the story is very standard and predictable, noting that there are some parts unpredictable.
    2. The drama and the love story in this movie are just right, not too much nor less


To put it briefly, the movie is very good and pleasant but without Tom’s enormous performance the movie could have been a total wreck.

I would give this movie 4/5 based on the technical factors.

Now here’s a small question for you, would have preferred if Venom remain as the bad superhero?

Comment your answer below, or as always tell me your opinion about this review and the movie.

3 thoughts on “Venom

  1. Hm, would I have preferred him to remain bad? I honestly don’t know. I think once the relationship starts forming there’s a bit of Venom that reminds me almost of a naughty teen alien from another planet and Eddie’s going to teach him how to behave if that makes sense. For this movie (and probably future ones) I think they got the tone right but it will be interesting to see what they do if they get to use Spiderman in the future 🙂 Great review!

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